Monday, November 10, 2014

~Snowy day tidbits~

Not a lot to post except today we are getting our first real snow fall/ snow storm for the winter. I am sure it won't be the last. We went out to play at 9:15am! The kids would have really liked to gone out sooner but I made them eat breakfast first. How mean, right?!?!

Not much new on the adoption/ foster care issue. We did inquire 25 days ago about a young girl. I hadn't heard anything last week so I emailed the person in charge of the inquiry. He got back to me on Friday letting me know that because of the state where the girl is located they can not share information with me directly. They have to speak to our Social Worker first and she can then get in contact with Danny and I. Of course this stuff all takes time and Social Workers are always busy. I sent him the information for my worker and hope that I hear something, anything, soon. I know we need to trust in God's timing. This just takes so long. I read an article in our paper yesterday about a family near by who adopted 2 children a couple years ago and are now in the mists of adopting 2 more! So I know this does happen.

Mason our sweet boy who is full of energy is giving us a workout. He sure knows how to get the house wound up. He doing well in preschool. He gets on the bus with no problem. He gets off the bus giggling and will often times either lift up his shirt or yell "Underwear". I met with his team of teachers last week and he has met all the goals he had on his IEP. He was retested and no longer qualifies for an IEP! (they test children every 3 years and he had been tested when he was 2)

The big girls are doing well in school. Abby took a week to be lazy but picked back up and made up for it with 2 perfect spelling tests the last couple of week. She has learned how beneficial studying can be. I have learned to stay on her toes more. Maddison seems to have picked up on the spelling thing! She sure does not get that from her mom or dad. Jade had a report card last week and it was all A's and B's! She is getting ready to make pajama pants in sewing class.

Then there is our little Alayna. She has been busy with her friends as she calls them (daycare kids). She loves going for rides in her van. If you ask her what she wants for supper its always Pizza Ranch!

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