Thursday, July 31, 2014

Goodbye July

I have to say although I do not want to wish the summer away I am happy to say good bye to July. For us in the Wynn house July has been a month we would rather not remember.

Mason had 2 trips to the ER for a bump. He has since seen his regular doctor and a urologist. He had an ultrasound and will go back in August to discuss the plan for fixing the bump. The bump appears at random times around his private area.

Alayna also had a trip to the ER this month as we noticed one morning she had about 7-8 slivers on the bottom of her foot. They were starting to look infected. Thankfully with the help of the doctor and nurse they got the slivers out. She did really well for being so little.

I of course also had a trip to the ER. I had an appt. on the 14th for an ultrasound. We were excited to be expecting a baby only to find out our baby's heartbeat had stopped. I will never forget that moment. I instantly felt heartbroken and just wanted to go home. After talking with the doctor baby looked to have stopped breathing at 7 weeks old. I was figuring I would have been 10-12 weeks at that point. We discussed the plan and I was sent home. The plan did not go so well. I realized in the night I was loosing too much blood. I went to the ER where the wonderful nurses helped me. The OBGYN doctor was called in and I had an operation. I lost a lot of blood though and could not stand up without feeling weak and shaky. I had a blood transfusion to help build up some of my blood. Now I have been having headaches but the doctor said I need to get some iron in me and more sleep. I started some iron pills and hopefully that will help.

Its been a couple weeks and I have excepted what happen but I will never forget. I wanted this baby, I planned for this baby, I had names for this baby, I had dreams for this baby. However, God has a plan for us all and only gives us what we can handle. We don't always agree with it but we need to trust and have faith that he knows what he is doing. I am thankful for my children. If it wasn't for them I might have stayed in bed for 2 weeks but they kept me going. They took very good care of me.

So Good Bye July. I am glad its your last day! I have high hopes that good things are coming in the months ahead.

It kind of reminded me of that song, Hit the Road Jack... hit to road July, don't you come back no more no more no more. Hit the road July!

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